what is a bangle bracelet ?

The bangle bracelet is a circular ornament made from rigid materials like metals, wood and plastic. In India, the bangle has cultural significance and is mostly worn by brides to symbolize good fortune and luck in marriage.

If you are passionate about fashion, jewelry plays an important role in your style aesthetic. Jewelry such as earrings, necklaces and anklets are very popular accessories.

bangle bracelet Massai 9Avril bangle bracelet

If you have ever attended an Indian wedding, you will realize that brides wear a lot of bangles. Bracelets are more than an accessory and have cultural significance used to symbolize different things depending on the region. Red bangles mean prosperity while glass bangles signify luck and security in marriage.

Lately, the bangle bracelet has become a hit among influencers and you're probably wondering what it is.

A bangle bracelet is a rigid, ring-shaped piece of jewelry with a closed design that you wear on your wrist. Their clean, well-polished and modern designs have become the perfect accessory to add glamor and elegance to any outfit. And yes, they can be worn by people of all ages.

If you are looking to buy a bangle bracelet, this article is for you. Keep reading to find out everything there is to know about rushes.

bangle bracelet
Trio Massai bangle bracelet 9avril Paris

History of the bangle bracelet

The bangle bracelet is a rigid, well-polished piece of jewelry, made of wood, metal, glass or plastic, generally worn on the wrist. They have cultural significance in most parts of the world.

The bangle bracelet is mainly worn by women in India, Asia and Africa. It is also common to see a bangle on a bride in one of these regions.

The bangle can also be worn by men and women for different reasons, for example, Sikhs wear them to honor their religion. But where do they come from?

The first known bangle bracelet was discovered in 2600 BC. This piece has cultural significance and was discovered in the settlements of Mohenjo-Daro, in what is now Pakistan, 5,000 years ago. In 1973, a British archaeologist discovered and excavated a statue of a teenage girl in Mohenjo-Daro.

The statue found was of a teenage girl completely naked, except for the arm which was entirely adorned with bracelets. This statue is proof of the existence of the bangle bracelet among humans during this period.

Bangle bracelets are also found in ancient civilizations such as the Mayans, Indians and Chinese. They were used as accessories in ancient times and had cultural significance depending on the region.

bangle bracelets

9Avril bangle bracelets

Bracelets were discovered 7,000 years ago. Early versions were made from shells and tree branches. Later, artisans used precious metals to make decorative bracelets. The bracelets were then adorned with precious stones, which led to their value and they were only accessible to the upper class.

The rush also has cultural significance in different communities. The meaning of the bangle varies from region to region. Indian brides wear glass bangles as a wedding accessory to bring luck and security to the marriage.

Depending on the region, brides may wear gold, glass, gold-plated or ivory bangles.

Why is it called a bangle bracelet?

Bangles are circular bracelets worn around the wrist but they are very rigid accessories. Generally, bangles are made from different materials such as gold, gold plated, silver, ivory, plastic and wood.

The bangle bracelet is commonly worn by women in different cultures. Brides wear particular types of bangles. For example, Indian brides wear bangles of different colors. Glass bracelets bring luck in marriage, red means prosperity and green represents fertility.

weekly bangle bracelet

Weekly bangle bracelet by 9Avril

Metal bangle bracelet

Gold bracelets are the most common type of jewelry worn by women across cultures. Valuable and quality jewelry is most often made of gold.

Metallic gold has different variations depending on your preferences. You can choose rose gold, yellow gold or white gold depending on your means.

When choosing a metal bangle bracelet, you should choose the metal that best complements you based on your skin tone or the clothes you wear.

If you don't like shiny jewelry and prefer a more subtle option, you can opt for a matte gold metal instead of shiny yellow gold jewelry.

Characteristics of bangle bracelets

Bangle bracelets are generally circular and rigid in shape. Bracelets are made from a variety of precious and non-precious materials such as gold, silver, platinum, wood, glass and plastic. They are traditionally worn by Indian brides.

bangle bracelets

9Avril bangle bracelets

Advantages and disadvantages of the bangle bracelet

Bangles are traditional bracelets made from different materials. Below are the pros and cons of bangle bracelets.

Advantages of rushes

Bracelets can be used to identify a person's origin. Different cultures wear different types of bracelets. Tribal bangles are worn by ethnic people from different regions, while Indian women wear different bangles depending on their region.

Bracelets can be used to protect yourself from attackers. Iron bracelets can be used to protect yourself in case of attack.

They enhance the look of the person wearing them. They can go with any outfit to add elegance and glamor to your outfit.

Surprisingly, bracelets also have health benefits. The wrist has pressure points that help maintain hormonal balance. They also improve blood circulation.

Although bracelets are beautiful adornments, they also have their drawbacks, including:

Glass bracelets can hurt you. When glass bracelets break, they can pierce your wrist and cause blood loss.
Plastic bracelets are not environmentally friendly. When they are thrown away carelessly, they pollute the environment.
Copper bracelets make you prone to allergic reactions. They are itchy and irritate your arms.

What does a bangle represent?

A rush represents traditions and culture. In India, a bride wears colored glass bangles to symbolize her hopes for her marriage, luck and stability. Red bracelets symbolize prosperity and luck, while green symbolizes fertility.

A pearl bangle is synonymous with luck. People who believe they will be lucky wear beaded bracelets. They are available in different colors and designs depending on preferences.

Gemstone bracelets are worn for aesthetic or status reasons and also represent spirituality. They can be personalized with Bible verses that match a person's preferences.

What is the difference between a bracelet and a bangle?

Bangles and bracelets are both fashion accessories worn around the wrist. Despite this, they have differences that can help you tell them apart. Bracelets can be differentiated according to their origin, their flexibility and the person wearing them.

A bangle type jewelry is generally worn around the wrist. The bangle is a circular ornament that does not have a clasp. A bracelet is a piece of jewelry made from materials such as gold, leather and wood.

The bracelet is flexible and usually has a clasp such as a magnetic clasp or a toggle clasp, depending on the type of bracelet.

Bangle are solid and rigid jewelry while bracelets are flexible and based on a chain closed with a clasp.

When choosing between a bracelet and a bangle, personal preference should always be a factor to consider. Although both are suitable for different people, there are certain factors that make one better than the other.

If you are someone who prefers a subtle piece of jewelry that is not noticeable, you can consider wearing a bangle as it is the best option.

In terms of flexibility, the bracelets are more subtle, softer and softer and are not easily noticed. The size of the bracelets can also be adjusted when worn, while the bangles are rigid.

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  • Isabelle on

    Super article ! J’ai toujours été fascinée par la signification culturelle des bijoux, et en particulier des bracelets jonc. Leur histoire est si riche et variée !

  • Lina on

    En résumé, cet article offre un regard complet sur les bracelets jonc, allant de leur histoire fascinante à leurs implications culturelles et esthétiques, ce qui en fait une lecture enrichissante pour les passionnés de bijoux et de mode.

  • Ambre on

    Je trouve intéressant de noter que les bracelets jonc peuvent être portés par les hommes et les femmes pour diverses raisons, notamment religieuses, démontrant ainsi leur polyvalence et leur pertinence dans différentes cultures.

  • Mia on

    L’histoire ancienne des bracelets jonc remontant à 2600 avant J.-C., comme le mentionne l’article, illustre leur longévité en tant qu’ornements précieux à travers les civilisations et les époques

  • Louise on

    La variété des significations attribuées aux bracelets jonc en fonction de leur couleur et de leur matériau, comme le verre pour la chance et la sécurité dans le mariage, ajoute une dimension symbolique fascinante à ces bijoux

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